Self Portrait

I painted this from a photo that had me holding a cigar.  I really loved the composition but in the end decided to take out the hand with the  cigar because  the hand  seemed too small and the perspective didn’t work.

My teacher helps me keep my progress as an artist going. His  positive and constructive notes are always helpful.  On the positive side  were 1.  that it is femininely painted – the subject is a woman’s face and not her behind. 2.  the viewer is looking down at me which gives a sense of my small size (which is true as I’m not even 5 ft. tall.)  3.   I look a bit mischievous or that I’m thinking and 4.  It’s fun and modern and he liked the over all composition.  (best compliment!)

On a constructive note- It could use a bit of softening-especially around the eyes.  You can see that I did try to change the way the eyes were painted but in the end- still missed the goal.  I also have a feeling a portrait drawing class would help me a lot.

I decided I fussed enough with it enough and didn’t want to lose some spontaneity that I had started with so- self portrait 2018 is finished!  See below for 5 days of painting- about 2.5  hours per session.