
This piece called “Athos” was made for Athos Therapeutics, a bio tech company and is based on the idea of central nodes/points of interest/ ideas that have interconnecting pathways, similar to airline flight routes and part of Athos’s mission to use artificial intelligence to locate central points of biological pathways and essential gene targets.

In order to choose my two central points I used a mathematical formula called the golden ratio, Fibonacci sequence or Phi. 

“Phi can be defined by taking a stick and breaking it into two portions. If the ratio between these two portions is the same as the ratio between the overall stick and the larger segment, the portions are said to be in the golden ratio. This was first described by the Greek mathematician Euclid…”- Live Science.

A screenshot of a cell phone

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The golden ratio is used in art and if you are interested in examples check out


Blue is meditative, cool and calm.  Blue is linked with eternity, supernatural beauty, and religious transcendence.  “Celestial blue” points to something special and to something that is the highest and most valued.  A blue ribbon is for first prize.  Blue chip stocks are for the most profitable companies. Blue is the color of Athos’ logo.

Orange is blue’s color complement (opposite).  It is bold and visible. It is associated with warmth, growth and protection. The symbol of an orange is “transformation like the quality of a forest fire or volcanic explosion.”- The Book of Symbols – Taschen.


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